Blog Posts, Page 5

True or false

Do we really care about truth?

I see a lot of arguments online. Arguments about everything from God, to politics, to global warming, to the dangers of diet soda. People tend to choose their side and stand their ground against all...

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You're Special! (But who cares?)

You’re special, there’s no one else in the world exactly like you! But that doesn’t mean you’re valuable. Though rarity is a factor in the “supply and demand” equation, on its own it is does not...

Image of a brain

Christianity is not a Belief System

I’ve noticed that there is a very common fallacy about Christianity held by many non-Christians (and even some professing Christians). I’m referring to the idea that Christians are those who hold a...

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Which Jesus Do You Believe in?

The election is almost over! (At least I hope so, since the alternative is a long drawn out legal battle over recounts, and I really don’t want us to go there again.) Anyway, an editorial on CNN...

Page from a Bible

God's Big Story

A generation or two ago, pretty much everyone in our culture was at least familiar with the basics of Christianity. People understood basic Christian concepts like truth, sin, and God and Jesus. You...

Model of a brain

My Faith is not Blind!

This post was inspired by a recent conversation in the comments of one of my YouTube videos with a non-Christian who insisted I had blind faith in God. I believe “blind faith” is completely unbiblical...

Genesis 1:1 page in a Bible

The Meaning of Scripture, Clear or Cloudy?

This weekend I watched a video of debate between some Christians with different views on creation. I’m not going to deal with specific views on creation in this post, even though it is an important...

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Object Lesson: Reliability of the New Testament

It’s been a long time since I posted anything here. I hope you didn’t feel neglected! I’ve just been crazy busy. I’m done with seminary for the time being, so I’ve got a bit more time. (Not much, but...

Angry man yelling

Is It Possible To Go Too Far With Your Faith?

Recently, Jay Leno made a joke that offended some Sikhs. Last night, I saw a news commentator discussing this, and he said something to the effect, “some people take their religion too far.” I think...

Image of Jesus on an ornate Bible

I Believe in Jesus

This is my third entry in my I Believe… series, which goes into more detail about my core beliefs. This one will focus on the third point in my statement of faith on my website: “I believe in the...